Wiki Mass Effect
Wiki Mass Effect


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Commander Shepard

Membros do Esquadrão[]

Garrus ME2 Character Shot Gruntcharactershotnewdesign Jack Character Shot Jacob Character Shot
Garrus Vakarian Grunt Jack Jacob Taylor
Kasumi Character Shot Legion Character Shot Mirandanew Mordin Character Shot
Kasumi Goto Legion Miranda Lawson Mordin Solus
Morinth Character Shot Samara Character Shot Talinewme2
Morinth Samara Tali'Zorah vas Neema
Thane Character Shot Zaeed Character Shot
Thane Krios Zaeed Massani

Membros do Esquadrão Temporário[]

Amanda Kenson Character Shot Liara ME2 Character Shot Wilson character shot 2
Dr. Amanda Kenson Liara T'Soni Wilson


Aria ME2 boxshot EDI Character Box Gavin Archer ME2 mugshot Illusive Man Character Shot
Aria T'Loak EDI Dr. Gavin Archer The Illusive Man
Joker ME2 Character Shot ChakwasME2
Kelly ME2 boxshot
Jeff "Joker" Moreau Dr. Karin Chakwas Kelly Chambers


Collectors Leader Character Shot Harby ME2 cinematic mugshot Overlord VI hybrid mugshot
The Collector General Harbinger The Overlord VI Hybrid
Yahg Character shot Vasir ME2 boxshot
The Shadow Broker Tela Vasir